The Cambridge International curriculum offered by Boston Online Home Education is the most successful and widely used curriculum in the world. Cambridge qualifications are accepted and valued by employers and universities around the globe, including Oxford, MIT, Cambridge, Ivy League universities, such as Harvard, Brown and Columbia University, and various celebrated South African universities. A Cambridge qualification is universally thought of as the gold standard qualification and is still the main entry route for students who want to enter UK universities. Flexible programmes allow educators to use examples from local contexts and cultures. The examinations provide students with an excellent foundation for tertiary studies. They also provide a transparent and easily understood pathway into university study.
In choosing the Cambridge curriculum at Boston Online Home Education School, we believe learners will be exposed to the best practices of a global curriculum framed within the context of Africa. To this potent mix, Boston will bring the considerable skills of educators deeply rooted in and passionate about transformative education. The Cambridge curriculum ensures that our graduates will be globally competitive, producing capable individuals ready to contribute to Africa’s century. We believe there is strength in diversity. By bringing the rich and diverse tapestry of unique backgrounds, skills and experience together with a holistic curriculum, we will offer our candidates the best opportunity to make significant contributions in Africa and the world.
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the University of Cambridge and has offered international school awards for over 160 years. Renowned globally, the Cambridge awards are recognised for the high standards set and the curriculum rigour. Graduates are sought-after by employers and well-placed to further their studies. Cambridge qualifications are recognised by over 1400 universities worldwide, including all universities in the UK, 600 universities in the United States (including all the Ivy League universities) and many other top student destinations, including Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands. Learners who enrol at Boston will be carefully counselled on subject selections based on post-school intentions and to ensure that university exemption is attained per the requirements for access stipulated by the Matriculation Board at Universities South Africa (USAf).
Meet some of our outstanding learners from around the world and find out why they prefer studying with Cambridge International.